OCWFED: Don't Come To NY - CARD
OCWFED: Don't Come To NY 2022 Opener
The Camera pans to ramp as an old nostalgic tune hits and the duo of Scaggs and Poling head down to the ring!! The packed crowd roars in excitement and begins to chant "OCW" OCW" "OCW"
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Ladies and Gentleman, THIS IS DON'T COME TO NEW YORK! |
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Backstage, we find the Future Investment holder, John Carter, looking as morose as always. It seems after last week, he has a lot to think about. However... he's not alone.
The masked man who has been haunting OCW for the past month, Templario Oscuro, seems to want something with John, appearing in the doorframe of the TWC locker room and startling John.
Templario: John.
The leader of TWC practically leaps out of his seat, grabbing his chair with one hand as if he's going to use it as a weapon.
John: What the hell!? Who are you, how did you get in here!?
Templario: It’s me.
Templario: Does this satisfy you? Being used as a tool by Empress? Being slandered and mocked by paper champions? Being used and abused by lesser men… and a lesser woman.
Templario: Is this all Spider sees in you? A pathetic, wasting mope? Is this Mr. Future Investment?
John stops him before he can get any further, raising his voice and taking a couple of angry steps towards the figure. Unlike Jasmin, John isn't afraid of the man in the mask.
John: 'Pathetic'? You're calling me pathetic? I'm the future world champion, who are YOU to call me pathetic!?
Templario: You’re right. You are the future. You supposed to be. But these weak-willed sycophants are dragging you down.
Templario: Where is the man who changed Doc Green forever? Where is the man who vanquished Kassidy Hayes and AC Cobra both at once? Where is the man who won the Future Investment?
Templario: John. It’s time to come home. We can help you make this right.
John: Where is that man? Listen here, you creep, I AM that man. I am the last, greatest Light Heavyweight Champion of this company. I am the Future Investment holder. I AM A FUTURE WORLD CHAMPION! And I am not gonna sit here and take this disrespect from you!
John: Who even are you, anyway?
Templario doesn't respond immediately, nor does he insult him further. Instead, he just nods.
Templario: The door is open, John. We’re here for you. It's time to come home.
With that, the masked man steps out of the doorway, leaving a furious John alone with his thoughts as the camera fades to break.
While the fans are clamoring over the mayhem and destruction of the Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch between Aries and Illuminati, A more calm scene is unfolding backstage. Alyssa Marceaux is walking through the back halls of the arena, reading a text over to herself.
Alyssa: Fourth door on the left, Fourth door on the left...
She finally reaches the door the text describes, and gives a knock on the door. To her surprise, the one opening the door is John Carter.
John: Finally decided to be around a real winner I see. What changed your mind?
Alyssa: As if. Wrong door.
John: You sure about that sweetheart?
Alyssa: Look I got 17 reasons on my side that would say otherwise. Fuck around and find out what that means, John. Or, you can also close that door and forget this happened.
John: Your loss not mine. You have fun being married to that weirdo. I was just trying to help you.
Rolling her eyes after she closes the door, she assumes she came in from the wrong direction and turns around to the other “fourth door on the left”. Opening it, she finds a locker room with the lights busted out, and a curtain blocking light from the door. She hears her husband, “The Prophet” Elliot Parker from behind the curtain.
Elliot: Close the door.
She does as requested, and closes the door behind her.
Elliot: Come through the curtain.
Listening to the voice, she splits the curtain and walks further into the room. She sees her husband sitting in one of the lockers with his feet up and hands crossed on his stomach. Thanks to the curtain and lack of lighting, it is extremely dark in the room, barring one dimly lit lantern hanging over him.
Alyssa: There you are, handsome. A better view than the one I was just looking at.
Elliot: I’m never a hard man to find. Come, sit.
She walks over and takes a seat in an adjacent locker.
Alyssa: Never, huh? Tell that to the twins. You know, you got a lot of nerve telling other people to come home. You’ve been home a total of 3 nights since this Angel came around. When are you going to be home?
Elliot: How’s your security force coming?
Alyssa: It’s Texas. Not really that hard to find a bunch of loyal tryhards with guns ready to fight in the name of religion, now, is there? Now can you answ-
Elliot: What’s our population like?
Alyssa: If I remember correctly, our last report said 7,892. That doesnt answer my-
Elliot: Income?
Alyssa: Stop cutting me off and answer my question!
Elliot: You answer my questions, and you’ll get an answer soon enough.
Alyssa: Fine. Income reports show we are making a good profit. Donations are steady, and we are seeing $2.383M in monthly revenue, and expenses are much lower than initially at $957k. Profit is around $1.426M.
Elliot: Good. How’s Loretta’s training going?
Alyssa: Slow, but steady, Your sister has all she can handle with that one. Are you sure she’s ready?
Elliot: She will be, soon enough.
After a short pause, he looks down for a second and exhales.
Elliot: And how’s your cancer?
Alyssa: How did you…
Elliot: E.J. told me. Plus, why else would you go out of your way to cover that eye with your hair, Which I can see you grew back out. Answer the question.
Alyssa: I need to get checked out. The pain, the pressure, it all stopped about a month ago. And when I checked in the mirror, it was… back to normal.
Elliot: Good. Now to answer your question. Granted everything goes to plan tonight, I will be home by the end of November.
Before Alyssa is able to respond, a loud explosion can be heard, followed by the crowd unleashing a massive roar.
Elliot: That sounds like my queue. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date with a future resident named Miguel.
Alyssa: How can you be sure it will be him and not Primero?
Elliot: Just an intuition.
Elliot zips up his vest, closes the buckles, and grabs the lantern.
Alyssa: Lio, honey?
Elliot: Yes?
Alyssa: Be safe. I’ll be waiting here for you.
Elliot gives her a wink as he goes through the curtain, meeting the Angel at the door. Before he leaves, he tells Alyssa through the curtain…
Elliot: That new look is stunning by the way. You should keep it.